Board Members

Meet the Coventry DBE Board

What is the Diocesan Board of Education (DBE)?

The DBE’s statutory duties are set out in the Diocesan Board of Education Measure April 2021 and also in relevant legislation, including charity and company law. The constitution of the DBE is as follows:
• 2-3 members nominated by the Bishop of Coventry (at least one Archdeacon or Suffragan Bishop from the Diocese)
• 4-5 members elected by Diocesan Synod (to include at least one in Holy Orders)
• 4 members co-opted by the Board by virtue of the expertise they offer.

The Bishop, Rt Revd Ruth Worsley, is the President of the Board, and after consultation with the Board, appoints a Director of Education who acts as Company Secretary. Let’s meet our members.

Mr Mike Draper Chair and Bishop's Nominee

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Mike has a background in engineering and now heads up the safety, health and environment function of a Warwick based business. Mike became involved in school governance as a Parent Governor in 2010, shortly after his sons started at Blue Coat CofE School, while also serving as a Church Warden at St Stephens in Canley. Through his more recent personal experience as a foster parent, Mike has become even more passionate about the importance of education to improve the life chances of everyone.

Revd Tim Cockell Bishop's Nominee

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Tim is an ordained priest in the Church of England with 28 years of parish experience during much of which has been a school governor. He has a background in engineering and is interested in how technical subjects are taught in school. Tim is married to Nell, also ordained and has three grown up children. His interests include aviation and photography – preferably at the same time.

Ven Barry Dugmore Bishop's Nominee

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Barry has served in the Diocese of Coventry as Archdeacon Missioner since October 2019. He leads on all parochial appointments in the diocese and has responsibility on the BCST for development and delivery of the Diocese of Coventry’s mission and growth strategy, and church planting. He is also a member of the Racial Equality steering group, Net Zero steering group, Chair of trustees for Together for Change and a director of the DBE. Barry enjoys creating music on guitar and singing as well as outdoor pursuits like running and playing golf.

Mr Roderick Clark Elected by Diocesan Synod

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Roderick worked as a local radio journalist and then as a teacher of Classics and RE whilst also serving as a Reader since 1987. In retirement, he has focused particularly on the link between local parishes and schools, becoming a member of the DBE; the bodies which oversee RE teaching in Coventry and Warwickshire; and is Substitute Ex-officio Foundation Governor for a Church of England academy within the diocese where he leads on Christian Distinctiveness. As hobbies, he studies ancient languages, plays badminton and runs.

Mrs Emma Griffiths Elected by Diocesan Synod

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Emma is a wife and mum of three children. Having successfully led the Religious Studies Department of a large secondary school Emma moved to Coventry Cathedral and has worked there for 17 years, currently as the Head of Reconciliation and Education. She is a member of Holy Trinity Church Coventry. In her spare time she enjoys camping, cooking and spending time with family and friends.

Ms Sharon Jones Elected by Diocesan Synod

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Sharon has been a teacher and leader, including Deputy and Acting Headship in faith schools for over 28 years. She has supported struggling schools to improve both in SEN and as a whole school. Currently, she is an educational consultant and specialist assessor/tutor for SEN. She enjoys swimming, travelling and trains medical students in basic life support.

Mrs Claire Russell Elected by Diocesan Synod

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Claire is currently employed as Head of Music and Collective Worship in a Church of England middle school having worked as a full-time teacher for 16 years, the majority of these years in secondary schools. As well as being involved in a wide range of church youth work and community outreach work, Claire is also a licensed Lay Reader and is Parish Safeguarding Officer at St John the Baptist, Leamington Spa. Claire enjoys exploring faith with the many lively young people from the local estates and helps run a food kitchen for the homeless and vulnerably housed.

Mrs Sybil Hanson Co-opted Member

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Sybil worked as a teacher for 37 years, spending the last twenty years as Deputy Head at Blue Coat CofE School, Coventry. In retirement she has served on the DBE for many years and is the DBE representative on various committees of both Coventry and Warwickshire Local Authorities. She is also a Director on the Board of the Inspire Education Trust which has within it two Church of England schools. She is a member of the Cathedral community.

Mr Adam Walsh Co-opted Member

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Adam has been working in education for over 25 years, teaching in both primary and secondary phases. He has been a Headteacher and then Executive Headteacher of four primary schools in South Warwickshire and has also supported leaders and governing bodies across Warwickshire in school improvement, policy development and staff development. Adam is currently the CEO of Arden Forest CofE Multi Academy Trust.

Mrs Lindsey Wright Co-opted Member

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Lindsey has over thirty years’ experience in education and was a senior leader in education working in both primary and secondary schools and with Warwickshire LA supporting schools throughout South Warwickshire. Having retired in 2013, she currently serves on the governing body of two DBE schools, is a Director of the Coventry DMAT and is also Chair of the DBE Governor Reference and Advisory Group. In addition to her passion for travel, she loves to go on long walks with her husband, Paul, and her lovely rehomed guide dog, Holly

What are the Board’s responsibilities?

The functions of the DBE are:

  • to promote or assist in the promotion of education in the diocese consistent with the faith and practice of the Church of England;
  • to promote or assist in the promotion of religious education and religious worship within church schools;
  • to promote or assist in the promotion of church schools within the diocese, and to advise the governors and trustees of church educational endowments and any other body or person concerned on any matter affecting church schools within the diocese;
  • to promote co-operation between the Board and bodies or persons concerned in any respect with education within the diocese.

The powers of the DBE are:

  • the organisation of church schools (eg, opening/closing schools, acquiring faith designation, change of category, converting to academy status)
  • consent for physical alterations and work to premises for specific categories of church school
  • to provide direction to governing bodies and trustees in specific circumstances
  • to provide consultation procedures for admission arrangements

What is the role of a DBE Member?

To seek to serve and equip our schools, academies and churches to ensure:

  • a generous and excellent Christian education which is both distinctive and inclusive;
  • sustainability and growth;
  • partnership working to transform communities.

To take seriously their responsibility to ensure high quality:

  • leadership, management and governance;
  • curriculum innovation with ambitious standards;
  • inspirational school buildings and facilities;
  • sustainable community transformation.

A commitment to working in partnership with others to:

  • provide world class education that is aspirational and motivational;
  • ensure that every child, young person and adult within the diocesan family receives; every opportunity to flourish and fulfil their God given potential.

To contribute to the DBE as the ‘foundation body’ which:

  • holds statutory responsibilities;
  • appoints Foundation Governors;
  • offers advice and guidance in relation to significant areas including governance, admissions, Christian distinctiveness and ethos.

Declarations of Interest and Eligibility

Charities law requires trustees and managers to declare any conflicts of interest or other business interests. Below are the declared interests and eligibility of the DBE Members:

Mr Roderick Clark: Co-Chair of AGC Committee, Southam St James Primary CofE Academy; Co-Chair of Coventry and member of Warwickshire’s SACREs; Trustee, Parents, Teachers and Friends’ Association, Lillington Nursery and Primary School

Revd Tim Cockell: None

Mr Mike Draper: Trustee, Volvo Group Retirement Plan

Ven Barry Dugmore: Director, Coventry Diocesan Board of Finance Limited

Mrs Emma Griffiths: Coventry Cathedral staff, provides education, staff training and worship opportunities; Foundation Governor at Blue Coat CofE School and Music College

Mrs Sybil Hanson: Director, Inspire Education Trust

Ms Sharon Jones: Self-employed education consultant and specialist teacher/assessor

Mrs Claire Russell: Father, David Russell: Governor, St Lawrence’s CofE Primary School (LEA Finance); St John the Baptist, Leamington Priors PCC

Mr Adam Walsh: CEO and MAT Board Director, Arden Forest CofE Multi Academy Trust

Mrs Lindsey Wright: Chair of Governors for St James Academy and St Bart’s Academy; Director, Coventry DMAT

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