Headlines – 17.05.24


School News


iSingPOP’s project leader Emma Kenyon was at Ettington CofE Primary at the end of April helping the school to celebrate Pentecost with a workshop day. All the children and teachers had a great day.

Don’t forget to contact Emma on emma.kenyon@isingpop.com

to see what she might deliver in your school. It’s all FREE to CofE schools as part of the DBE’s post-Alive legacy.


Just a Reminder…

Annual Headteacher Conference – ‘Faithful Leadership’

Fri 05 July – 09.00 – 14.30

Ardencote Manor Hotel

A day of inspiration, laughter, networking and hopefully some time for you to have some purposeful reflection time and maybe, if we’re lucky, a nice lunch in the sun!

This will be a chance to meet Bishop Ruth and be inspired by keynote speakers Revd Kate Bottley and Dr Krish Kandiah OBE.

You will also come away from the conference with iSingPOP’s latest new Pop Box on ‘Heroes of the Old Testament’. Each box contains twelve interactive services which include Bible stories, prayers, games, songs, animations, crafts, and engaging discussion points.

Do let us know that you are coming by clicking here. If you are unable to come, please feel free to send a Deputy. We look forward to seeing you!


To see the full Headlines newsletter contact joanne.evans@coventrydbe.org



Headlines – 10.05.24

School News


Headteacher Mary Baker writes:

Barford St. Peter’s CofE Primary were thrilled to welcome Bishop Ruth to the school on Wednesday 1st May. Our year 6 gave her a tour of the school during which our pre-school children performed ‘I’ve got the joy’ and taught her a few Makaton signs. We then assembled in the hall for whole school worship. Both the choir and the whole school enjoyed sharing their beautiful singing with her. Bishop Ruth then explained to the children all about her robes and one of our year 6 had the opportunity to dress up in them! It was a great honour for all of us to meet Bishop Ruth and we look forward to welcoming her again in the future.”


Juliet Jones, Headteacher at Cubbington CofE Primary School writes:

“We had the most wonderful day in school this week when were visited by Emma from ISingPOP. Emma lead a series of workshops for the children where she shared the story of Pentecost and taught them all some fabulous, uplifting songs that they could learn actions to. Emma had the most infections energy and enthusiasm and kept it up all day despite soaring temperatures during the afternoon! At the end of the day the whole school came together for a celebration of singing and prayer that each class had written. We were joined by one of our Foundation Governors, Mike Young, and our Church Reader, Jo King. Every child made and wore a Holy Spirit headband that they could take home at the end of the day. Thank you to the Diocese for supporting this exciting partnership.

Here is one of the prayers that were written by some of the children:

Dear God,

Thank you for sending Jesus to us so that he can help us shine.

Thank you for sending us the Holy Spirit to help us remember Jesus.

Help us to be kind to everyone and bring peace to all.



iSingPOP Free Resources – Do Make Sure to Access Them for Your School

Emma Kenyon iSingPOP’s Project Leader has had the pleasure of being in many of the schools around the Diocese and she says it has been wonderful to sing and dance and learn together but there’s much more to access so please get in touch if you haven’t already. It’s all FREE to CofE schools as part of the DBE’s post-Alive legacy. Contact Emma on emma.kenyon@isingpop.com

The POP Box – Pick. Mix. Praise

A great resource to be used by the parish and also for peer-led collective worship in school. Check out this ‘how-to’ guide.

Each box contains 12 monthly, interactive collective worship services, which include:

•    Bible Stories

•    Prayers

•    Games

•    Songs

•    Crafts

•    Engaging discussion point

If you have misplaced your pop-box, do get in touch with your parish as it may have ended up there however, the pdf link to all the sessions is here. You can pick and choose and lots of unique sessions!

Classroom Worship – Gather. Watch. Grow.

  • 15 minute episodes every week!
  • Follows SIAMS framework
  • Promotes inclusive Christian Values

Each episode includes:

Animated Bible stories, Prayers & Reflections, Prayer Activities, Songs & Dances

You should have the log on to access this in your school along with the song database but if not, please contact joanne.evans@coventrydbe.org

Workshops and The Main Event – Rehearse. Perform. Resource.

Harvest, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost and Joy Seekers! Each one-day interactive workshop goes beyond the surface, delving deeper into faith themes. These interactive explorations investigate the real meaning behind key Christian festivals and why Christians celebrate them today.

The Main Event is a live, interactive, tutor-led experience that takes place over the course of 4 days. This immersive project will unite the school, church and local community, build children’s confidence and encourage them to think about inclusive Christian values in a fun and engaging way.

Contact Emma to check availability and to book for your school’s event.


Upcoming CPD Available to Book… All Free to DSA Subscribers

SIAMS Termly Update

Weds 12 June

16.30-17.30 – online via Zoom; or book to receive the recording

Led by Jen Jenkins, DBE RE and Spirituality Officer, these termly sessions are intended to support those schools who are due for inspection within the next two academic years. The session will guide delegates responsively depending on what schools need, and there will be an update on any local and national information on good practice. Book a place (or to receive the recording) here.

Introduction to SIAMS

Part 1 – Weds 19 June

Part 2 – Weds 26 June

16.30 – 17.30 – online via Zoom or book to receive the recordings.

 Led by Jen Jenkins, DBE RE and Spirituality Officer, these two online sessions will give delegates an introductory overview of SIAMS and how vision drives Christian distinctiveness in church schools. Suitable for those who may be new in post or new to a church school and are unfamiliar with the SIAMS process and principals. Book a place (or to receive the recordings) here.

SIAMS Clinic – For Schools Due Inspection in 2024/25

Tues 02 July – 16.30- 17.30

online via Zoom – no need to book – relevant schools will automatically receive the Zoom link prior to the event.

Led by Jen Jenkins, DBE RE and Spirituality Officer, this is an interactive and responsive session to go through any remaining questions regarding your forthcoming inspection. It will also be a reminder of the key elements to have in places so that you are fully prepared and ready to demonstrate all of your school’s brilliant work with the inspector.

Using Understanding Christianity with the New Agreed Syllabus – Part 2

Weds 03 July – 16.00-17.30

online via Zoom; or book to receive the recording

Following the session held on 30 April, Jen Jenkins will be using this second session to explore how to use the New Agreed Syllabus approach when teaching Understanding Christianity units. Examples will be provided of how to adopt a religion and worldviews approach and how to consider drawing out disciplines other than/in addition to just theology. (Delegates who came to the first session on 30 April will automatically be booked on this session to either attend, or receive the recording).

If you wish to catch up with the recording or accompanying resources, you can find it in the resources section of the DBE website under ‘New Agreed Syllabus – CofE School Specific’. If you did not attend on 30 April would like to book or receive the recording for part 2, book here.

Annual Headteacher Conference – ‘Faithful Leadership’

Fri 05 July – 09.00 – 14.30

Ardencote Manor Hotel

A day of inspiration, laughter, networking and hopefully some time for you to have some purposeful reflection time and maybe, if we’re lucky, a nice lunch in the sun! With keynote speakers Revd Kate Bottley and Dr Krish Kandiah OBE.

Do let us know that you are coming by clicking here. If you are unable to come, please feel free to send a Deputy. We look forward to seeing you!


The REC Religion and Worldviews Approach to RE Toolkit

The Religious Education Council of England and Wales (REC) has introduced an innovative ‘toolkit’ designed to enhance the quality of Religious Education (RE) in schools across England, responding to Ofsted’s call for more depth in RE lessons.

After a comprehensive three-year initiative titled Religion and Worldviews in the Classroom, this toolkit emerged as a solution, rooted in academic research, classroom insights, and suggestions from the 2018 Commission on RE report.

The report advocated for an academically robust approach that accurately reflects the diverse beliefs and practices found in modern Britain.

Jen Jenkins, in her role as RE Adviser for Warwickshire and Coventry SACREs, and RE and Spirituality Officer for the Diocese of Coventry was one of the Framewok Team Leaders and is pictured here at the recent launch.

Professor Trevor Cooling, who led the academic efforts on this project, elaborated on its benefits in a statement: “This scholarly approach to the study of religious education allows pupils to develop substantive knowledge of religion, religious and non-religious worldviews… It builds on research literature over many years into effective approaches to create one that is fit for purpose in the 21st century.”

By providing teachers with these resources, this initiative promises to revitalise religious education in England, fostering deeper engagement with religion and belief systems among students. You can download the toolkit here.


Government Consultation on Religious Designation Reforms for New Special Academies and New and Existing Free Schools

The government has launched a consultation to lift the 50% cap, which had restricted faith schools to selecting no more than half their intake from their own faith group. The proposals mean the Church of England, Catholic Church and other faith school providers will be able to create more school places and multi-academy trusts around the country, where there is demand. The Department for Education also has plans to enable new faith-based academies for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities.

Nigel Genders, the Church of England’s Chief Education Officer has said “While a lot of the focus has been on the decision to remove the 50 per cent cap on faith-based admissions for new free schools, the broad package also indicates that faith education providers will soon be able to open and run special schools – those designed specifically to cater for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Church of England schools are committed to serving the whole community, including people of all faiths and none, and this week’s announcement about the faith cap does not impact on that commitment. However, the opportunity to support the vital provision of special schools is one we welcome.”


Q&A Following the New Agreed Syllabus Launch

SACRE hosted a CPD session yesterday led by Jen Jenkins, for RE Leads following the syllabus launch. She has produced two new documents to support teachers:

How do I create an RE Curriculum?

How do we create our own worldviews case studies?

If you missed the session yo will find them on the new syllabus website under the ‘useful documents’ tab.


Coventry Cathedral Faith Story Telling Week

Bring your pupils for an exciting day exploring the power of storytelling and different faith stories in the amazing space of Coventry Cathedral.

Your students will hear from different faith leaders who will share stories from their faiths and scriptures. They will also have the opportunity to use what they have learnt in creative exercises that allows them to explore exactly what storytelling can mean to us. Developed with links to the Religious Education curriculum, this event promises to be both a fun and valuable experience for your children.

Check out this (6 min) video made from the first year they ran this event!

From the 18th to the 21st June 2024, £9 per pupil for a full day experience.

Get in touch for more information or to book now and secure your school’s visit! https://www.coventrycathedral.org.uk/events/storytelling-week

Headlines – 03 May 2024

News about the Headteacher Conference – Friday 5 July – ‘Faithful Leadership’

We return again this year to the Ardencote Manor Hotel on Friday 3 July for a day of inspiration, laughter, networking and hopefully some time for you to have some purposeful reflection time and maybe, if we’re lucky, a nice lunch in the sun!

We will start with worship with IsingPOP and Bishop Ruth. Our Keynote speakers are Revd Kate Bottley (many will remember the amazing and uplifting after dinner speech she gave in 2022) and the multi-talented Dr Krish Kandiah OBE who is regular contributor on radio and tv as well as a number of other high profile roles across several social justice spheres. Kate will be talking about her book ‘Have a Little Faith’ and how this relates to school leadership. Krish will be talking about how to sustain those leadership ideals in tough times.

Here is the agenda…

09.00       Registration and refreshments

09.30       April Gold – Welcome

09.35       Worship with IsingPOP and Bishop Ruth

10.00       Revd Kate Bottley – ‘Have a Little Faith’

11.00       Coffee/Comfort Break

11.20       Revd Kate Bottley Q&A

12.00       Lunch and networking/ visit exhibitors

13.00       Dr Krish Kandiah – ‘The Fruits of Faithful Leadership’

14.30       Closing comments, feedback and prayer

14.30-17.00 – Please feel free to use the conference room facilities/grounds for additional huddles/networking etc. or to ‘just be’

Do let us know that you are coming by clicking here. If you are unable to come, please feel free to send a Deputy. We look forward to seeing you!


Upcoming CPD Available to Book…

SIAMS Termly Update

Weds 12 June

16.30-17.30 – online via Zoom; or book to receive the recording

Led by Jen Jenkins, DBE RE and Spirituality Officer, these termly sessions are intended to support those schools who are due for inspection within the next two academic years. The session will guide delegates responsively depending on what schools need, and there will be an update on any local and national information on good practice. Book a place (or to receive the recording) here.

Introduction to SIAMS

Part 1 – Weds 19 June

Part 2 – Weds 26 June

16.30 – 17.30 – online via Zoom or book to receive the recordings.

 Led by Jen Jenkins, DBE RE and Spirituality Officer, these two online sessions will give delegates an introductory overview of SIAMS and how vision drives Christian distinctiveness in church schools. Suitable for those who may be new in post or new to a church school and are unfamiliar with the SIAMS process and principals. Book a place (or to receive the recordings) here.

SIAMS Clinic – For Schools Due Inspection in 2024/25

Tues 02 July – 16.30- 17.30

online via Zoom – no need to book – relevant schools will automatically receive the Zoom link prior to the event.

Led by Jen Jenkins, DBE RE and Spirituality Officer, this is an interactive and responsive session to go through any remaining questions regarding your forthcoming inspection. It will also be a reminder of the key elements to have in places so that you are fully prepared and ready to demonstrate all of your school’s brilliant work with the inspector.

Using Understanding Christianity with the New Agreed Syllabus – Part 2

Weds 03 July – 16.00-17.30

online via Zoom; or book to receive the recording

Following the session held on 30 April, Jen Jenkins will be using this second session to explore how to use the New Agreed Syllabus approach when teaching Understanding Christianity units. Examples will be provided of how to adopt a religion and worldviews approach and how to consider drawing out disciplines other than/in addition to just theology. (Delegates who came to the first session on 30 April will automatically be booked on this session to either attend, or receive the recording).

If you wish to catch up with the recording or accompanying resources, you can find it in the resources section of the DBE website under ‘New Agreed Syllabus – CofE School Specific’. If you did not attend on 30 April would like to book or receive the recording for part 2, book here.


Coventry and Warwickshire Agreed Sylllabus for RE and Worldviews

As you know, the New Agreed Syllabus has been launched. You will find it on the Coventry City Council website here: https://www.coventry.gov.uk/sacre

If you have any queries about the syllabus you will need to contact the respective SACRE via the following contacts:

Lucy.lambert@coventry.gov.uk (Coventry schools)

janebennett@warwickshire.gov.uk (Warwickshire schools)


Explaining the New Syllabus to SIAMS and OFSTED Inspectors

As the implementation of the New Agreed Syllabus and the new pedagogical approach may take some time to embed in your school, Jen Jenkins has produced letters explain this for both SIAMS and Ofsted inspectors.

The Ofsted letter will be availbe on the SACRE website and the SIAMS letter can be found on the DBE website in SIAMS resources under ‘useful documents for schools.’


Newly Published ‘Religion and Worldviews Approach Toolkit’ from the RE Council of England and Wales

The RE Council have now published a new ‘Religion and Worldviews Approach to RE Toolkit’ an REC project designed to assist schools developing syllabuses and curriculums for RE. The project has been led by Jen Jenkins. You can find out more and download the all the resources here.


For a full copy of Headlines newsletter contact joanne.evans@coventrydbe.org

Headlines – 26.05.24

School News

Last month, Inspire Education Trust (including Blue Coat CofE School and Walsgrave CofE Academy) celebrated the awarding of UNESCO membership. This recognition signifies a commitment to the preservation, promotion, and advancement of cultural, educational, and scientific heritage and for schools worldwide, this achievement holds profound significance.

By embracing UNESCO’s mission of building peace through education, Inspire Education Trust demonstrates a steadfast dedication to nurturing global citizenship, fostering mutual understanding, and shaping a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come. Ann Beatty the UK CEO of UNESCO presented school and trust leaders with certificates and they were joined by Dr Shahnaz Akhter a Research Fellow from Warwick University who has been supporting the trust in working towards the membership and various local projects, including the community Iftar event which took place at Blue Coat CofE School during March (see image below).

Information about the community Iftar held at Blue Coat was published in the The Coventry Evening Telegraph.



To Jen Jenkins, the DBE’s RE and Spirituality Officer who has been awarded a ‘Spire Award’ from Coventry City Council. Jen was nonimated for her outstanding contribution to the newly launched worldviews approach RE Agreed Syllabus for Coventry and Warwickshire.

Jen was cited as working ‘above and beyond’ on not only producing the ‘trail blazing’ syllabus but also bringing together teacher groups, organising training, balancing the views of faith communities and creating stronger relationships between the LA, SACRE, faith communities and schools.


Following the Headteacher Reference and Advisory Group (HTRAG) Meeting

The HTRAG met on Wednesday morning and discussed some of the current challenges facing school leaders. It was suggested that schools might have recommendations for Educational Psychologists (outside of the LA support), and any other bought-in services that you might recommend to colleagues. If so, please do let us know here and then we can circulate that out.


New RE and Worldviews Agreed Syllabus

The Agreed RE and Worldviews Syllabus for Coventry and Warwickshire has now been officially launched and is accessible to schools through SACRE on the Coventry Council Website. If you have not had the relevant information, contact sacre@warwickshire.go.uk


iSingPOP – Booking for Autumn Term

Do get in touch with Emma Kenyon the DBE’s dedicated iSingPOP worker for your free collective worship events, harvest workshops and a couple of Christmas workshop dates still left to book (first come first served!)

Emma is also delivering the new ‘Joy Seekers’ workshop which is available all year round and looks at what it means to look after our wellbeing. It includes learning two songs and a prayer activity, before joining together at the end of the day for a collective worship celebration assembly


To see the full Headlines newsletter contact joanne.evans@coventrydbe.org