Headlines – 13.09.24

School News

At the beginning of the term Revd April Gold attended a Comissioning Service at St Nicolas Church for Ian Meikle the newly appointed Headteacher of St Nicolas CofE Primary, Nuneaton.

Pictured here with Revd Chris Routledge and Dawn Beasley (Chair of Governors).


Wilmcote CofE Primary has joined The Stour Federation Multi Academy Trust.

The Stour Federation has been actively supporting Wilmcote since November 2023, making this partnership a natural next step.

Headteacher Anita Twyman said: “This is an exciting new chapter for our school. Under the umbrella of The Stour Federation, we will be able to retain what makes our school special and unique, while also being able to increase the academic rigour for our students, and the resources and expertise of colleagues and leaders. We already feel that we belong.”

Christian Hilton, Chief Executive of The Stour Federation Multi Academy Trust, added: “We are thrilled to be welcoming Wilmcote into our Trust, come September. The strength of The Stour Federation lies in its ability to provide focused support and foster collaboration among like-minded schools. Having supported the school since November, we are really excited to be taking our partnership to the next level, with Wilmcote officially set to join The Stour Federation family.”


At St. Paul’s CofE Primary Nuneaton, they have made a decision to replace their weekly newsletter with a weekly podcast, in an effort at engage more families. Last Friday was Episode One and it featured their vicar, Revd Kate Massey.

The link to listen to it is here. The discuss the highlights of the first week back; things to look forward to and how school and church are working together.

The podcast has already been reached by 1400 people!


Headteacher Termly Briefing – Wed 18 September 2024

Don’t forget to join us for the Heads’ Briefing on Wednesday afternoon 18 September 14.00-15.30 on Zoom.

Book a place here.


Opening Reflection and DBE Update – April Gold

Archbishops’ Young Leaders Award Update – Elizabeth Howat, Head of AYLA

Heads’ Reference Group (HTRAG) Update – HTRAG Rep

DBE Services, Resources and Support now available – Joanne Evans

SIAMS and RE Update – Jen Jenkins

‘Best practise and top tips’ session – focus on SEND – Tracy McEwan SENDco at St Margaret’s CofE Junior, Whitnash

Closing comments


For Those New to Leading in a Church School…

 See the Church of England Website for Core Key Documents

See the Coventry Diocesan Board of Education Website for Resources, Governance, Training and Events.

See the Cathedral Schools Team contact page for Coventry Cathedral Visits

Email any members of the DBE Team on church school matters and we’ll be happy to help!


Upcoming CPD for this Term…(Including Newly Added Events!)

Click on the links below to find out more and to book a place.

Spirituality Short – 17/09/24

Led by Jen Jenkins, This session will introduce you to two models for spirituality that will work well in church schools. It will help you to link your spirituality model to your vision and to consider how the curriculum offers opportunities for spiritual development.


Small Schools Network Start Up – 23/09/24

Facilitated initially by Jen Jenkins, but with a view to this group being self-supporting, this builds on the response and engagement in the ‘mixed-age classes’ meeting that was held to discuss potential challenges around the New Agreed Syllabus in April 2024. Participants found it helpful to discuss the common areas of experience in small schools and share solutions and good practice. The DBE hope this will be a helpful model to continue into this new academic year, especially around delivering the New Agreed Syllabus for RE and Worldviews.

RE CPD – 01/10/24

Led by Jen Jenkins, DBE RE and Spirituality Officer, these termly RE CPD sessions will focus on areas of the New Agreed Syllabus that respond to the needs of teachers as they emerge.

Termly SIAMS update – 09/10/24

Led by Jen Jenkins, DBE RE and Spirituality Officer, these termly sessions are intended to support those schools who are due for inspection within the next two academic years. The session will guide delegates responsively depending on what schools need, and there will be an update on any local and national information on good practice.

Half termly RE Clinic – Support for Delivering the New Agreed Syllabus -15/10/24

From September 2024 schools will be using the new RE Agreed Syllabus for Coventry and Warwickshire. This syllabus marks a significant shift in the way in which RE is taught and these half-termly RE Clinics, facilitated by Jen Jenkins, will allow RE teachers to get to grips with any challenges or questions in implementing this new approach in order to maintain high standards of provision.

Spirituality Short – 06/11/24

Annual Headteacher Conference – 14/11/24

Global Christianity within ‘Understanding Christianity’ – New Materials – 20/11/24

Half termly RE Clinic – Support for Delivering the New Agreed Syllabus – 25/11/24

For the rest of the academic year – see the CPD programme here


Church School Leadership Training for Middle Leaders

It’s not too late to sign up your middle leaders to sign up for the DBE’s ‘Flourishing Through Leading: A Two-Year Online Programme for Middle Leaders’ – a self-directed online course with ‘touching base’ network meetings.

This programme, starting this term, is designed to explore the formation and develoment of the middle leadership role specifically in a church school context. It is free to DSA subscribing schools. Send them this link to find out more.


For the full Headlines newsletter contact joanne.evans@coventrydbe.org


Headlines – 06.09.24

School News

April Gold visited Clifton upon Dunsmore CofE Primary School for the opening of their new pre-school provision on 30th August. The new class will cater for children aged 3 and 4 years old mirroring the school day. The school’s intent is that children attending pre-school will develop a love of learning, foster lasting friendships and flourish in an enviornment where they feel safe and secure. Christian ethos ‘With open minds and loving hearts, we will achieve’ will be woven through all areas in order that children and their families feel that they are part of the whole school community and an integral part of the Early Years Provision.

The pre-school classroom is situated right in the heart of the old Victorian school building which dates from 1850, occupying the old hall and classroom space and part of the ground floor of the old headteacher’s house. Almost 175 years from opening, Clifton CofE primary school is continuing to provide a loving and nurturing space for the children of the village.

SIAMS Reports

Congratulations to both Leigh CofE Academy and Hampton Lucy CofE Primary who had their SIAMS inspections late in the summer term. They were both found to be living up to their foundation as a Church schools enabling pupils and adults to flourish. Well done to all the staff and governors in those schools. Read the reports by clicking on the links below:

Leigh CofE Academy

Hampton Lucy CofE Primary


DBE News – New Deputy Diocesan Director of Education

The DBE is delighted to announce the appointment of Georgina Newton, an experienced teacher of over 30 years, who joins the DBE team as Deputy Diocesan Director of Education.


Headteacher Termly Briefing – Wed 18 September 2024

Don’t forget to join us for the Heads’ Briefing on Wednesday afternoon 18 September 14.00-15.30 on Zoom.

Book a place here.


Opening Reflection and DBE Update – April Gold

Archbishops’ Young Leaders Award Update – Elizabeth Howat, Head of AYLA

Heads’ Reference Group (HTRAG) Update – HTRAG Rep

DBE Services, Resources and Support now available – Joanne Evans

SIAMS and RE Update – Jen Jenkins

‘Best practise and top tips’ session – focus on SEND – Tracy McEwan SENDco at St Margaret’s CofE Junior, Whitnash

Closing comments


Password for DBE Website Resources

Please note that the Password for the resources on the DBE wesbite will be changing from the end of business on 6th Sept and the new password issued to DSA subscribing schools and MATs by email.


Upcoming CPD for this Term…

Click on the links below to find out more and to book a place.

Induction Event for Senior Leaders – 11/09/24

Spirituality Short – 17/09/24

Termly Headteacher Briefing – 18/09/24

Small Schools Network Start Up – 23/09/24

RE CPD – 01/10/24

Celebration of Governance Event – 08/10/24

Termly SIAMS update – 09/10/24

Half termly RE Clinic – Support for Delivering the New Agreed Syllabus -15/10/24

Spirituality Short – 06/11/24

Annual Headteacher Conference – 14/11/24

Half termly RE Clinic – Support for Delivering the New Agreed Syllabus – 25/11/24


Leadership in Church Schools

Induction Event for Headteachers and Senior Leaders New to Church Schools – Please Pass on to Colleagues who might be interested…

If you are a new Head or senior leader, please book or encourage new colleagues to book for this session by clicking this link.

11 September 2024

16.00 to 17.00 – online via Teams

Free for newly appointed senior leaders in Coventry diocesan schools

In this this online event you will meet the DBE team and learn about the distinctive elements of life in a Church of England school in Coventry Diocese. We will cover mission, vision and values, SIAMS, collective worship, requirements for RE and answer any of the questions you might have about preparing for success in your new role.

Have You Got Great Middle Leaders?

Do signpost them to sign up for the DBE’s ‘Flourishing Through Leading: A Two-Year Online Programme for Middle Leaders’ – a self-directed online course with ‘touching base’ network meetings.

This programme, starting in the autumn term, is designed to explore the formation and develoment of the middle leadership role specifically in a church school context. It is free to DSA subscribing schools. Send them this link to find out more.


Headteacher Conference – “Journeying Together for Inclusion – ‘The Last will be First”

Please do put Thursday 14 November 2024 in your diary for a day for Headteachers to be inspired along with their parish partners. There will be more information about this event at the Heads’ Briefing on 18th September.


News from the Church of England National Society

The Church of England’s National Society for Education has published its latest annual SIAMS inspection report for Church schools, revealing a smooth transition away from single-word inspection grades to a new framework that emphasises a more compassionate, contextual approach to accountability.

This month’s edition of ‘Called, Connected, Committed’ has a theme of ‘Responding to the Summer Riots – Educating for Community and Living Well Together’. This includes collective worship for primary and secondary, and a number of useful resources for church schools on diversity and anti-racism.



Headteachers should now have received the autumn term Classroom Worship log on details. If you haven’t received it please do let us know.

You should have also received your Pop Box – ‘Heroes of the Old Testament’. Do liaise with your vicar or parish partner on how to best use them for your collective worship.

Emma Kenyon, the DBE’s iSingPOP leader still has dates available to book for in-school workshops up to the end of the year. Do get in quick and book direct with Emma for dates still available – Emma.Kenyon@isingpop.com


For Own Admission Authorities – Action This Term

Just a reminder that own admission authorities (MATs and VA schools) should be in the process of reviewing and determining their admission policies for 2026/27 this term. This needs to be done by 28 February.

If you are making any changes to this policy you need to publicly consult on this. The consultation window is 6 weeks between 1 October – 31 January. If you require any further support in this process or just a chat about the options do contact Joanne Evans.

It is a statutory requirement to send your policy to the DBE so please do email it to us once governors have formally agreed it as well as notifying the LA and publishing it on the school website.


National Younger Leadership Groups from the Church of England Education Office

National Younger Leadership Groups are starting this year facilitated by the Archbishops Youth Leadership Award team. Sign up your school by Friday 18th October


For the full Headlines newsletter contact joannee.evans@coventrydbe.org