Headlines – 11.10.24

School News

April Gold and Joanne Evans visited Burton Green CofE Primary Academy last Friday to join the 150 year anniversary celebrations with pupils and staff, old and new. The event also saw the official opening of new classrooms followed by an afternoon tea with a display of school records going back to 1874 when the school opened.

(If you have a significant school anniversary coming up you can order a certificate from the Church of England signed by the Archbishop of Canterbury to commemorate the occasion. See more information here.)

Congratulations to All Saints CofE Junior Warwick who have achieved Gold level in the Christian Aid Global Neighbours Award.

A huge ‘congratulations’ then to Peneli Grier at The Ferncumbe CofE Primary School who has won a Primary Science Teacher Award from the Primary ScienceTeaching Trust. The organisation gives awards for ‘innovative practice and exceptional dedication to primary science teaching’.


Governors’ Celebration Event

Church School governors gathered on Tuesday evening at Wellesbourne Church where their work was celebrated by a service lead by Bishop Ruth. They then had a hot meal and shared good news stories of amazing work and partnerships within our diocesan schools. Despite the dark, wet, windy evening they heard so much about the spirit and hope living within their respective communities that it truly was a joy-filled celebration.


The DBE is Looking for New Board Members

In advance of a new triennieum, Diocesan Synod is looking to appoint four or five members to the Diocesan Board of Education to serve a three-year term from 1 January 2025. More information about the role is here or talk to Revd April Gold. A nomination form can be found here.

Please do pass on this information to any colleagues you think might have an interest in this volunteer role.


New RE Resources on the DBE Website

Jen Jenkins has provided some additional resources for implementing the New Agreed Syllabus.

  • Advent/Christmas-themed RE resource which shows how to approach it with a religion and worldviews approach.
  • SACRE Suggested Visits and Visitors

You can find them in the resources section of the DBE website under ‘New Agreed Syllabus – CofE School Specific’ using the password that has already been issued to you.


For the full Headlines newsletter contact joanne.evans@coventrydbe.org


Headlines – 04.10.24

School News

Emma from iSingPOP visted Alveston CofE Primary last week with new iSingPOP songs. Their concert was yesterday and the children were fantastic! Headteacher Anne Clewley reported on the school newsletter that “Listening to our children sing this week in the iSingPop rehearsals has been a shining example of awe and wonder. Honing their beautiful voices and performances has lifted all our spirits.”


New CPD Session Added – RE: Theology RE Subject Knowledge session on Noah and the Flood

Led by Jen Jenkins, this session will support teachers with their subject knowledge around the biblical story of Noah and the Flood. This story features in the new RE syllabus in several units and Jen will attempt to unpack some of the theology around it and shares ways you might approach it with different aged pupils.

Please do advertise this to your associaties and consortia as this is open to all schools in Coventry and Warwickshire for a nominal fee of £20.

The booking link is here.


Grove Booklets Education Series Now Available on the DBE Website

Grove are now offering their popular short booklets in pdf form.

We have eD 60 – Developing a Theologically-rooted Christian Vision in Schools and eD 61 – Spiritual Agents: Pupils as Leaders of Collective Worship now available to view on the DBE website under general resources.

Use the password you’ve been given for this year to access. We will let you know on Headlines when we add new ones.


A Reminder to Book for the Great Big Live Assembly for Black History Month – 15 October

All Church of England schools are invited to join the Sanctuary Foundation’s special Great Big Live Assembly for Black History Month. The 20 minute assemblies (one for primary and one for secondary) will be live-streamed and feature BAFTA-nominated Children’s BBC presenter Gemma Hunt, BAFTA-winning 12-year-old presenter Jeriah Kibusi, and award-winning diversity author Dr. Krish Kandiah OBE. Find out more and book here.

Watch a 2 minute Promo Video here

Also don’t forget to use your Picture News free Black History Month pack and collective worship resources that were emailed to you last week.


Inter-Faith Week – 10 – 17 November 2024

Inter-Faith Week is a great opportunity for pupils to explore inter faith issues and for schools to build relationships with faith, belief and inter faith groups in their community. Find out more about how to mark this week in your classroom here. You could also invite a SACRE member to your school to talk about their faith. Email sacre@warwickshire.gov.uk if you would like to make contact.


For the full Headlines newsletter contact joanne.evans@coventrydbe.org


Headlines – 27.09.24

School News

Diocesan Director of Education, Revd April Gold, visited St Oswald’s CofE Primary Academy in Rugby to open the school’s new prayer garden.  The weather meant that the ceremony happened indoors, with pictures of the prayer garden as a backdrop, but the ribbon was duly cut!

The prayer garden has been a collaborative project between St Oswald’s church and school and consists of eleven interactive prayer stations. Children can explore issues including forgiveness, love, thankfulness, trust, and the beauty of creation in a peaceful wooded area of the school grounds.

Project leader, Revd Jane Hulme, said, “Our hope for the prayer garden is that children will enjoy exploring the activities and encounter God as they do so.”


Book Now with Your Parish Partner for the DBE’s Upcoming Conference- Journeying Together for Inclusion – ‘The Last will be First’

Join us at Ardencote Hotel on Thursday, 14th November 9.15am – 2.30pm for a day of inspiration and joint working/visioning with your parish partners.

  • How can school and parish work together to enhance community, belonging and inclusion?
  • How might resources be shared to the benefit of both communities?
  • How can we make sure everyone feels included and that they are valued in our communities?
  • How can churches meaningfully and generously support their church school for ‘life in all its fullness’?
  • How can schools lean into church support in innovative ways you may have not tried or thought about previously?

Speakers include:

  • Sir John Timpson – Keynote on the Timpson approach to ‘Upside Down Management’.
  • Elizabeth Olulari – Church of England Education Racial Justice Lead, discussing ‘Cultural Competency, Sensitivity & Humility’.
  • Anna Shaw – CPAS, faciliting joint working on ‘Journeying Together – Power in Community’.
  • The Bishop of Coventry – Leading us in worship and reflection.

Book your place here


Flourishing for All: Anti-Bullying Guidance (2024)

Following the consultation on a draft publication in July 2024, Flourishing for All has been updated and this final version of the document is the new recommended guidance for Church of England schools.

Please find the guidance here: Anti-bullying guidance for Church of England schools | The Church of England

Parts C to G will follow over the course of the next year. These parts will address bullying on the basis of: race, SEND, faith and belief, sexism and socio-economic disadvantage.

Leaders and governors need to be aware of this as it forms part of the responsibilites for dignity and respect in the life of church schools and in the impact of this will be inspected as part of the SIAMS framework.


Spirituality Short – Recording and Resources Now Available

Jen Jenkins started the first of the ‘Spritiuality Shorts’ this week. These are one-hour sessions designed to support you in embedding a holistic and authentic whole school approach to spiritual development.

This session introduced two models for spirituality and explored how to link these with your vision and to consider how the curriculum offers opportunities for spiritual development.

You can find the recording, slides and accompanying resources on the DBE website resources page under course resources. Access them with passcode you have alredy been given.

If you wish to book a place for the upcoming sessions click here.


For the full Headlines newsletter contact joanne.evans@coventrydbe.org



Headlines – 20.09.2024

School News

Jessica Newitt, Deputy Head Teacher at Alveston CofE Primary writes:

“I am delighted to share with you some of the wonderful activities and accomplishments of our children at Alveston CofE Primary School.

At the end of the summer, we held an Arts Week with the theme of ‘Community’ – one of our key values. It was a tremendous success. Our children engaged in various creative projects, most notably working with Wayside Willow to create a stunning willow cross, which stands proudly by our new outside reflective area. In addition, some of our children worked together to create a beautiful mosaic of our local church. We loved that we can bring a piece of St James’ into school.

Furthermore, we have been blessed to participate in the Eucharist at our local church. This service provided our children with an invaluable opportunity for spiritual growth and reflection, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of this important sacrament.

Our children have demonstrated remarkable creativity, dedication, and spiritual maturity through these activities, and we are incredibly proud of their achievements. We are grateful for the continued support of our community and the diocese, which makes these enriching experiences possible.”


Book Now for the DBE’s Headteacher and Parish Partners’ Conference – Journeying Together for Inclusion – ‘The Last will be First’

Join us at Ardencote Hotel on Thursday, 14th November 9.15am – 2.30pm for a day of inspiration and joint working/visioning with your parish partners.

Speakers include:

  • Sir John Timpson – Keynote on the Timpson approach to ‘Upside Down Management’.
  • Elizabeth Olulari – Church of England Education Racial Justice Lead, discussing ‘Cultural Competency, Sensitivity & Humility’.
  • Anna Shaw – CPAS, reflecting on ‘Journeying Together – Power in Community’.
  • The Bishop of Coventry – Leading us in worship and reflection.

Book your place here


For Full Headlines newsletter contact joanne.evans@coventrydbe.org