School News
April Gold and Joanne Evans visited Burton Green CofE Primary Academy last Friday to join the 150 year anniversary celebrations with pupils and staff, old and new. The event also saw the official opening of new classrooms followed by an afternoon tea with a display of school records going back to 1874 when the school opened.
(If you have a significant school anniversary coming up you can order a certificate from the Church of England signed by the Archbishop of Canterbury to commemorate the occasion. See more information here.)
Congratulations to All Saints CofE Junior Warwick who have achieved Gold level in the Christian Aid Global Neighbours Award.
A huge ‘congratulations’ then to Peneli Grier at The Ferncumbe CofE Primary School who has won a Primary Science Teacher Award from the Primary ScienceTeaching Trust. The organisation gives awards for ‘innovative practice and exceptional dedication to primary science teaching’.
Governors’ Celebration Event
Church School governors gathered on Tuesday evening at Wellesbourne Church where their work was celebrated by a service lead by Bishop Ruth. They then had a hot meal and shared good news stories of amazing work and partnerships within our diocesan schools. Despite the dark, wet, windy evening they heard so much about the spirit and hope living within their respective communities that it truly was a joy-filled celebration.
The DBE is Looking for New Board Members
In advance of a new triennieum, Diocesan Synod is looking to appoint four or five members to the Diocesan Board of Education to serve a three-year term from 1 January 2025. More information about the role is here or talk to Revd April Gold. A nomination form can be found here.
Please do pass on this information to any colleagues you think might have an interest in this volunteer role.
New RE Resources on the DBE Website
Jen Jenkins has provided some additional resources for implementing the New Agreed Syllabus.
- Advent/Christmas-themed RE resource which shows how to approach it with a religion and worldviews approach.
- SACRE Suggested Visits and Visitors
You can find them in the resources section of the DBE website under ‘New Agreed Syllabus – CofE School Specific’ using the password that has already been issued to you.
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