Headlines – 13.12.24

School News

Tysoe CofE Primary celebrated World Kindness Day and Children’s Mental Health Week last month. The entire school was tasked with the ‘Kindness Challenge’ and had a week to complete it as best they could. They also took part in the live assembly on World Kindness Day itself.


A Request to Senior Leaders from Jen Jenkins

Jen Jenkins is currently crafting an online programme ‘Senior Leaders in Church Schools’; similar to the successful Middle Leaders Programme we already have. She has been shadowing Heads in schools to gain a deeper understanding of the role in these times, but would also like to invite a wider group of senior leaders to respond to the questions that are explored on those shadow days.

If you would like to help out, please complete the questions in the link sent to you by email –  skipping any questions you don’t want to answer, and adding any additional comments at the end. It should take around 5-10 mins and the deadline for completion is Monday 6th January 2025. Thank you!


CPD Coming Up in the Spring Term…

Click on the following links for further information and to book places/receive the recording.


Tues 21 January – Termly Headteacher Briefing

RE/Collective Worship

Weds 8 January – Collective Worship in a CofE School

Mon 13 January – RE CPD (topic to be decided after consultation with RE Leads)

Weds 22 January – Half termly RE Clinic

Tues 04 February – Understanding Christianity and the New Agreed Syllabus

Tues 11 February – Small Schools Network (Those who have previously attended need not book – we will send the information and zoom link in due course)

Tues 11 March – Half termly RE Clinic


Tues 28 January – Spirituality Short

Weds 29 January – Kingdom of God Flourishing through IQ5 in your school

Weds 12 February – Termly SIAMS update

Weds 26 February – Governors – Monitoring and Evaluating the Impact of RE     

Weds 05 March – Spirituality Short

Mon 10 March – Governors – Monitoring and Evaluating the Impact of Collective Worship

Weds 26 March – Introduction to SIAMS – part 1 (second session is on Weds 02 April – only one booking needed for both recorded sessions)

Mon 31 March – Spirituality Short


Thrive Licensed Childhood Practitioner Course from the Stour Federation MAT

Stour Federation MAT are offering this course in the spring term. The Thrive Childhood Practitioner Course will revolutionise how you view behaviour. Equipped with Thrive-Online, you will learn how to identify pupils’ social and emotional needs and create targeted action plans to remove barriers to learning. See further details and how to sign up here.



For the full Headlines newsletter contact joanne.evans@coventrydbe.org


Headlines – 06.12.24

iSingPOP – Looking to Next Year!


iSingPOP Workshops take a deeper dive into Christian festivals throughout the year. Emma Kenyon is now taking bookings for 2025 Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Harvest and Christmas workshops. She also delivers Joy Seekers workshops which are about mental health and well-being. A workshop day includes learning 2 songs as a whole school, a prayer activity and a fun celebration assembly at the end of the day!

They also have Main Event availability. This is a live, interactive, tutor-led experience that takes place over the course of 4 days. This immersive project will unite the school, church and the local community, building the children’s confidence and encouraging them to think about inclusive Christian values in a fun and engaging way.

These are all available free through the iSingPOP/DBE partnership. Contact Emma.Kenyon@isingpop.com to check availability and to secure your date.


‘Light Has Come’ – Reflective Journal for Headteachers

Jen Jenkins has created a Headteacher advent reflective journal to complement the ‘Light Has Come’ collective worship which was recently added to the DBE website. This is based on a playlist by the band Future of Forestry and invites you to spend some time listening to some beautiful Christmas songs, reflecting on the Nativity story and taking some well-deserved time out for yourself as we enter the festive season. Use it throughout advent or wait until the Christmas holidays begin, whatever best suits you.

Find it on the DBE website under Headteacher Resources – access with the usual password.


For the full Headlines newsletter contact joanne.evans@coventrydbe.org