Headlines – 15 September 2023

Headteacher Termly Briefing 21 September 2023

Don’t forget to join us for the Heads’ Briefing on Thursday afternoon 21 September 14.00-15.30 – the Zoom link to join is here.


  • Opening Reflection and DBE Update – April Gold
  • HTRAG update
  • Feedback from HTRAG – Chair of HTRAG
  • New Agreed Syllabus Update – Jen Jenkins
  • Ofsted update – Carl Thornton
  • Closing Comments and Prayer


Reminder – Touching Base – Short Meeting with Your Deanery HTRAG Rep

Wednesday 20 September – 16.00-16.30 Zoom Link to Attend

In advance of the termly Headteacher Reference and Advisory Group Meeting (HTRAG), this is an opportunity for Headteachers to talk confidentially in deanery groupings to touch base, network, share common challenges and give any feedback to the DBE via the deanery representative.  The meeting is informal and short – 30 minutes – and will be on Zoom with no DBE staff present.  The aim of the meetings is to bring local context to the DBE at the HTRAG so that we can serve and support. But also that it may well generate other useful networking conversations and support for less experienced leaders… or indeed those who just need colleague headteachers to hold a confidential space for them to talk.


SIAMS Termly Update

11 October 2023 – 16.30-17.30 – online via Zoom; or book to receive the recording  Book a place here.

Led by Jen Jenkins, DBE RE and Spirituality Officer, these termly sessions are intended to support those schools who are due for inspection within the next two academic years. The session will guide delegates responsively depending on what schools need, and there will be an update on any local and national information on good practice.


CPD For Your Middle Leaders – ‘Flourishing Through Leading’

A Two-Year Programme for Middle Leaders in Church of England Schools in Coventry Diocese

Self-Directed online course.  Cost: Free for DSA Subscribers

This two-year self-directed programme is suitable for anybody with a role as a middle leader for subject development or pastoral care. It includes twelve recorded sessions; one 1.5-hour session per half term.

Please do pass this on to middle leader colleagues who you think may be interested.

The programme assumes that particulars around subject leadership, monitoring and curriculum development are already being covered through other CPD or in-school support and so will focus on developing middle leaders as people and nurturing them as leaders within Church of England schools so that Christian distinctiveness is recognisable through their leadership.  The twelve sessions will cover the following topics:

  • Knowing Yourself as a Leader
  • Learning to Lead
  • Managing Change
  • Curriculums of Hope
  • Flourishing Through Teacher Development
  • Effective Leadership
  • Taking Them with You
  • Risk-Taking and Ethical Decision-Making
  • Wisdom
  • Pastoral Care
  • The Nature of Power
  • Engaged Feedback

For a log on to the course book here.


Bishop Christopher’s Leaving Service

Bring Your Pupils to Sing ‘World Changers’ at Coventry Cathedral

As you will be aware, Bishop Christopher is leaving Coventry Diocese and there will be a farewell service at Coventry Cathedral on Saturday 4th November at 2.00pm.  We are looking for schools who would be willing to bring pupils to sing ‘World Changers’ together in a big children’s choir of up to 100 children. The DBE will fund transport or you can meet us there as parents can come along.  We recognise that this is a Saturday event but it would be wonderful to have schools present and taking part to say farewell to Bishop Christopher. We’ve already had some schools get in touch but we’d love more. Do get in touch to find out more.


Bishop Ruth Worsley to become Acting Bishop of Coventry

Following the announcement earlier this year that Bishop Christopher will be the new Dean of Windsor, he is now able to share the episcopal arrangements for the Diocese of Coventry during the Vacancy-in-See, which will begin in November 2023.  After working closely with Lambeth Palace over the summer he is delighted to announce that Bishop Ruth Worsley, Bishop of Taunton, has agreed to become Acting Bishop of Coventry during the vacancy. Bishop Ruth will be supported by Bishop Saju Muthalaly, Bishop of Loughborough, as an Assistant Bishop in the Diocese.  Bishop Ruth has been a Suffragan Bishop in the Diocese of Bath & Wells for over seven years and has previously led the Diocese through a Vacancy-in-See period. Bishop Ruth will be based in the Diocese of Coventry for 4 days a week. Bishop Saju is currently ministering in our neighbouring Leicester Diocese as Suffragan Bishop and is able to give the equivalent of one day a week to the Diocese of Coventry.  Find out more about the appointment on the Diocese of Coventry website.


Date for your Diary – Headteacher Conference

Please note in your diaries the new confirmed date of the Headteacher Conference. It will be on Friday 5th July 2024 at Ardencote Manor Hotel. Further details about the content will be published in due course.


Did you know that Worcester Diocese is offering fully funded NPQs?

Starting in the West Midlands in November 23 and February 24

In conjunction with the Church of England, the Diocese of Worcester is offering National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) to all schools in the Midlands area.  From a teacher looking to deepen their expertise, or a school leader wanting to stretch themselves to the next transition in their career, there is an NPQ programme for all stages of a teacher’s career.  All of the NPQs are fully funded, with additional support available to help cover aspects of the participant’s release time.

NPQ Duration Suitable for
Leading Teacher Development 12 months teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading the development of other teachers in their school.
Leading Teaching 12 months  

teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading teaching in a subject, year group, key stage or phase.

Leading Behaviour & Culture 12 months  

teachers and all school staff who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading behaviour and/or supporting pupil wellbeing in their school.

Senior Leadership 18 months  

school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities.

Headship 18 months  

school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a headteacher or head of school with responsibility for leading a school.

All courses are a combination of online webinars, self-study and face-to-face sessions.  They are underpinned by recent research, and allow participants to embed this into their own practice and policies.  The Church of England NPQs also benefit from small group coaching sessions, which further explore participants’ learning.

For further information about the courses please click here or contact Spencer Morris, Deputy Director of Education by email on smorris@cofe-worcester.org.uk or by telephone on 07494 721498. Diocese of Worcester NPQs leaflet  Diocese of Worcester NPQs – Video


Coventry Cathedral Choir Recruiting KS2 Choristers

Coventry Cathedral Choir are recruiting boy and girl choristers from KS2 in primary schools during September and October 2023. The choir is a free opportunity open to all children in the City and Diocese who love singing and show musical potential. The Cathedral Choristers attend schools all over the diocese, and continue to take leading roles within their own school choirs.  A member of the Music Department can visit in an assembly or singing workshop to hear children sing in their schools and let them know about the fantastic opportunities for musical education that are available if they audition for the Cathedral Choir.  In the visits, they will bring leaflets about the choir, and with schools’ permission give children with enthusiasm for singing letters to take home about the opportunity. All of our team are trained in Safeguarding within the Church of England National Safeguarding Training framework.  They can arrange to visit your choir rehearsal, music lesson or assembly up to 5pm on Mondays and Friday or until 3.45pm Tuesday-Thursdays. If you would be interested and would like to arrange a visit, please contact Assistant Director of Music Luke Fitzgerald at luke.fitzgerald@coventrycathedral.org.uk mobile: 07490 158433


Subject Knowledge Resources for RE Teachers

Short subject knowledge videos which a free to access and may be useful for RE CPD from Penine Learning.  Find them here: https://www.penninelearning.com/videos/


Resources for Black History Month

The theme for Black History Month this October is ‘Saluting our Sisters’. Black History Month 2023 is a momentous occasion to recognise and celebrate the invaluable contributions of black people to British society.  Black people have always been at the forefront of social justice movements, fighting against oppression and paving the way for change. However, despite their countless contributions to society, the achievements of black women, in particular, have too often been overlooked or forgotten. That is why, this year, Black History Month will be celebrating the exceptional achievements of black women.

You can find resources here:


The Rebooting Education Survey 2023

Reboot the Future and their coalition of partners are looking for teachers and educators in the UK to share your insights and perspectives on our education system, and your vision for the future.  Your answers will be anonymised and analysed for our upcoming report on teachers’ visions of the future of education. The survey is split into 5 sections, and should take approx. 10 minutes in total to complete.  As a thank you to the teachers and educators who complete it, we are offering the chance to be entered into a prize draw to win a £100 sustainable travel voucher. Terms and Conditions apply.  The survey closes at 17.00 GMT on 22nd September 2023. Click here to take the survey.


TES Article – ‘10 Questions with…Nigel Genders’

The Chief Education Officer of the Church of England recalls his school days, explains why seeing the impact of teachers in schools led him into education and offers alternatives to one-word Ofsted judgements. Read it here.





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