Headlines – 19.07.24

School News

Congratulations and prayers for Headteachers retiring this term and Headteachers moving on to pastures new…

Thank you all for your dedication, service, hard work and commitment to the thriving of your Church of England school communities. We pray for you in the next new phase of your life and and hope it is a fulfilling and happy one.

SIAMS Report

Congratulations to staff and governors at Bidford on Avon CofE Primary on their recent SIAMS inspection. They were found to be living up to their foundation as a Church school, enabling pupils and adults to flourish. You can read the report here.

Bishop Ruth’s Summer Message

Watch Bishop Ruth’s summer reflection in this 2 min video.



Induction Event for New Headteachers and Senior Leaders – Please Pass on to Colleagues

If you are a new leader, please book or encourage new colleagues to book for this session by clicking this link.

11 September 2024

16.00 to 17.00 – online via Teams

Free for newly appointed senior leaders in Coventry diocesan schools

Enjoy an afternoon tea (delivered to your school) with the DBE and take part in this online event which will bring you up to date with the essential and distinctive elements of life in a Church of England school in Coventry Diocese. We will cover mission, vision and values, SIAMS, collective worship, requirements for RE and answer any of the questions you might have about preparing for success in your new role.


CPD for Autumn Term

Click on the links below to find out more and to book a place.

Induction Event for Senior Leaders – 11/09/24

Spirituality Short – 17/09/24

Termly Headteacher Briefing – 18/09/24

Small Schools Network Start Up – 23/09/24

RE CPD – 01/10/24

Celebration of Governance Event – 08/10/24

Termly SIAMS update – 09/10/24

Half termly RE Clinic – 15/10/24

Spirituality Short – 06/11/24

Annual Headteacher Conference – 14/11/24

Half termly RE Clinic – 25/11/24


News from the Church of England National Society – Flourishing for All: Anti-Bullying Guidance (2024)

The Church of England Education Office has released new anti-bullying guidance for church schools, including revised advice on how to support gender-questioning pupils. The draft guidance, Flourishing for All, published on Friday, will be a draft for consultation, and feedback is particularly sought from Church school leaders and staff, Diocesan Boards of Education, churches and faith groups working with schools, as well as parents and other interested parties.

The consultation runs until 31 July and you can find out more on the Church of England website here.


Have You Got Great Middle Leaders?

Do signpost them to sign up for the DBE’s ‘Flourishing Through Leading: A Two-Year Online Programme for Middle Leaders’ – a self-directed online course with ‘touching base’ network meetings.

This programme, starting in the autumn term, is designed to explore the formation and develoment of the middle leadership role specifically in a church school context. Find out more and book here.


What Subject Support Do You Need with the New Agreed Syllabus in the New Academic Year?

Jen Jenkins is offering a series of RE ‘clinics’ and termly RE sessions to support your delivery of the New Agreed Syllabus in 24/25. We would love to hear from you about what would really help you, and what you would like Jen to cover.

Please respond by answering a few short questions here.


For the full Headlines newsletter email joanne.evans@coventrydbe.org

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