Growing Faith

Alive 2023 Legacy

On 15th and 16th June 2023 Coventry DBE held the ALIVE PRAISE PARTY and enormous picnic for 9000 KS2 children from the Church of England schools in Coventry Diocese. To get a flavour of what happened please watch the highlights video:


See what happened in the year following Alive and the impact of the iSingPOP Partnership…


iSingPOP Partnership

The Diocesan Partnership with iSingPOP continues into a second year making sure we are still Stayin’ Alive in 2025!

This is the Bundle of FREE resources you can access:

  • All Primary Schools will continue to receive Classroom Worship for during 2024 incorporating a weekly resourced prayer activity to use in school
  • We will be offering 20 schools (or groups of schools) a 4 day Main Event
  • Up to 30 schools can sign up for a 1-day Workshop
  • All Schools and Parishes will have access to the full catalogue of iSingPOP songs and videos
  • Every school will receive a new edition of the Popbox later in the year to use with their Parish Church to plan worship in school and Church or to use for after school clubs.
  • We will be offering the opportunity for iSingPOP to help host leavers services to for those schools who do not currently have a strong parish link due to a vacancy or lack of Clergy capacity.

We have our own dedicated iSingPOP worker, Emma, who will be available to advise on using the resources, help you consider how to improve the worship life of your school, and provide training to staff, Clergy and Young Worship Leaders.

To find out more about what a ‘main event’ or workshop involves you can look at the iSingPOP website.

If you are interested in one of these events and want to book, please complete the form or contact 



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