SIAMS inspections are carried out in all Anglican and Methodist schools. The principal objective is to evaluate the distinctiveness and effectiveness of the school as a church school, assuming a school is ‘Good’ and focusing the inspection on finding and celebrating evidence of this. Inspectors are looking to see how the school’s Christian vision shapes the school and how effective this is in enabling pupils and adults to flourish. You can view a school’s most recent SIAMS inspection report on the school’s website.
A new SIAMS Framework is being introduced from September 2023. For more information about the new framework please find the documents were released following the announcement on 3 November 2022 SIAMS Framework September 2023.
For information about the inspection procedure, SIAMS handbook and other documents please see the Church of England Education Office website using this link. For more information about SIAMS related courses please contact lisa.boffey@coventrydbe.org
We also have some useful information for schools on our resources page which can be accessed here: https://coventrydbe.org/resources/
If you are interested in any of the above please email jennifer.jenkins@coventrydbe.org