Headlines – 20.09.2024

School News

Jessica Newitt, Deputy Head Teacher at Alveston CofE Primary writes:

“I am delighted to share with you some of the wonderful activities and accomplishments of our children at Alveston CofE Primary School.

At the end of the summer, we held an Arts Week with the theme of ‘Community’ – one of our key values. It was a tremendous success. Our children engaged in various creative projects, most notably working with Wayside Willow to create a stunning willow cross, which stands proudly by our new outside reflective area. In addition, some of our children worked together to create a beautiful mosaic of our local church. We loved that we can bring a piece of St James’ into school.

Furthermore, we have been blessed to participate in the Eucharist at our local church. This service provided our children with an invaluable opportunity for spiritual growth and reflection, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of this important sacrament.

Our children have demonstrated remarkable creativity, dedication, and spiritual maturity through these activities, and we are incredibly proud of their achievements. We are grateful for the continued support of our community and the diocese, which makes these enriching experiences possible.”


Book Now for the DBE’s Headteacher and Parish Partners’ Conference – Journeying Together for Inclusion – ‘The Last will be First’

Join us at Ardencote Hotel on Thursday, 14th November 9.15am – 2.30pm for a day of inspiration and joint working/visioning with your parish partners.

Speakers include:

  • Sir John Timpson – Keynote on the Timpson approach to ‘Upside Down Management’.
  • Elizabeth Olulari – Church of England Education Racial Justice Lead, discussing ‘Cultural Competency, Sensitivity & Humility’.
  • Anna Shaw – CPAS, reflecting on ‘Journeying Together – Power in Community’.
  • The Bishop of Coventry – Leading us in worship and reflection.

Book your place here


For Full Headlines newsletter contact joanne.evans@coventrydbe.org


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