Headlines – 24.01.25

School News

Congratulations to St Paul’s CofE Primary, Nuneaton who have just gained a bronze Global Neighbours award from Christian Aid. Well done to all the school staff and pupils involved who should rightly be very proud of this achievement.

If you want to know more about the Global Neighbours award please see here or watch Sandra Sutherland Headteacher of All Saints CofE Junior Warwick talking about their work in school at this week’s Heads’ Briefing – details below.


Church of England Foundation for Educational Leadership National Conference

Great to see Heads and MAT colleagues at the National Society for Education National Conference in London yesterday. The conference was held at the historic church of St John in Hackney where Joshua Watson founded his vision for Church schools in 1811.

The theme was ‘Flourishing Leaders, Flourishing Schools’ and some of the day was spent unpacking the latest publication ‘Flourishing together: a collective vision for the education system’. This was co-published with the Catholic Education Service and the Confederation of School Trusts.

Andy Wolfe, Executive Director of Education for the Church of England also  Launched the Flourishing Leaders and Teachers Programmes which he said could positively address teacher retention and leadership development:

“These programmes will support educators at every level, from early career teachers to system leaders, focusing on purpose, relationships, and wellbeing. Already, 900 schools and colleges have committed to piloting these courses, which will commence in autumn 2025.”

Speakers throughout the day also encouraged delegates to consider ‘The Class of 2040,’ an idea that recognises children finishing their secondary education in 2040 are already in the system this year as reception pupils. Attendees were asked to adopt a long-term ‘flourishing’ perspective in shaping educational practices.


Headteacher Termly Briefing

Thanks to those Heads who joined us for the Termly Briefing on Tuesday. If you were not able to attend, the recording is available on the DBE website under Headteacher Resources using the usual passcode.


Do Look Out for the DBE’s Termly Pupil Voice Question…

As mentioned at the Heads’ Briefing, the link to your termly Pupil Voice question will be coming out to Heads by email shortly.

Forward this link to whichever staff member heads up the group you think best (Year 5/6, Year 7, Worship Council, School Council, after school debate club etc).

This will open up the Smart School’s Council format to host a session which can last 15 min – 30 mins or as long as you like. It is a simple format designed to be led by the pupils themselves. Here is a short 4 min video that explains what you will see.

Please do encourage your group to enter ‘other comments’ at the end if they have time.


Upcoming CPD…

 RE/Collective Worship

Tues 04 February – Understanding Christianity and the New Agreed Syllabus

Tues 11 February – Small Schools Network (Those who have previously attended need not book – we will send the information and zoom link in due course)

Tues 25 Feb (postponed from 13 Jan)  – RE CPD (topic to be decided after consultation with RE Leads)

Tues 11 March – Half termly RE Clinic


Tues 28 January – Spirituality Short

Weds 29 January – Kingdom of God Flourishing through IQ5 in your school

Weds 12 February – Termly SIAMS update

Weds 26 February – Governors – Monitoring and Evaluating the Impact of RE     

Weds 05 March – Spirituality Short

Mon 10 March – Governors – Monitoring and Evaluating the Impact of Collective Worship

Weds 26 March – Introduction to SIAMS – part 1 (second session is on Weds 02 April – only one booking needed for both recorded sessions)

Mon 31 March – Spirituality Short

Admissions and Appeals    

Tues 18 March – School Admissions and Appeals   


iSingPOP Dates Available

 Emma has the following dates available for Main Events if you would like to boost spiritual development and bring the whole school together. This is free as part of our Diocesan partnership.

10th-12th of March, Concert on the 20th of March

24th-26th of March, Concert on the 3rd of April

19th-21st of May, Concert on the 22nd of May

Days 1-3 – Teaching

Spend the first 3 days of the project learning a set of catchy, fun-filled pop songs with your iSingPOP Project Leader. Each song is based on an important and inclusive Christian value and the children dive deeper to explore how they can apply these in life to become World Changers!

Day 4 – Concert

Perform a live concert involving every member of the school to your families and community in your local church. A professional live production including PA, visuals and all equipment necessary for your concert is provided.

Do contact Emma to book emma.kenyon@isingpop.com


Religion & Worldviews Round Up: Spring Term 2025

There are several ways in which you can access CPD to support your leadership of RE in schools. Jen Jenkins has collated them on one Sway newsletter here.


For the full Headlines newsletter contact joanne.evans@coventrydbe.org


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