School News
Lucy Jackson, Headteacher at Hampton Lucy CofE Primary School writes:
“As part of the RE curriculum the children have to investigate how beliefs and ideas are both shaped and expressed through text and art. Our year 3 and 4 class took the opportunity to use Hampton Lucy Church to find out how views can be both shaped and expressed through art and architecture in our place of worship.
Our vicar, Reverend Linda Mac Dermot was on hand to answer questions from the children and the Verger, Mr Ali Speller shared his many years of knowledge. This was a wonderful experience for the children with adults from the PCC adding support.
The children also had the opportunity to sketch parts of the church on a second visit to the church, look at artefacts and photographs. These sketches will be used back in the classroom to illustrate the impression our church had on the children in a final piece of art work. Awe and wonder.”
News from the Diocese
Read Bishop Sophie’s latest letter to the diocese which confirms the date of her Service of Installation and Welcome to be held at Coventry Cathedral.
Tim Sewards, churchwarden and school teacher, has written an article for the Diocese about the relationship between St Peter’s Church, Barford and their local school which he describes as a vital part of their church health. Read it here.
The process for the appointment of the next Archbishop of Canterbury is underway and an extensive consultation exercise that will take place in February and March. Find out more here.
A Half Term Family Project to Help the Royal British Legion?
Later this year The Royal British Legion will be marking the 80th anniversaries of VE Day and VJ Day, as well as other key battles which brought an end to the Second World War.
They are in the process of developing learning content for schools and would like your help. They would like teachers to ask children in their classes to research their family stories and submit them to the RBL by 28 February.
What they are looking for:
- A description (maximum 50 words) explaining who the story is about (name, rank or role in the Armed Forces, what they did and where they were during the war.)
- A good quality photograph of the person the story is about. (This could be in their uniform, or after the conflict in their civilian life)
They are especially interested in hearing about where these people were on VE or VJ Day 1945.
A selection of the stories will be used in free teaching resources throughout the year, so please ensure the young people have permission to share the stories/photos before they submit them. Send your stories on a word document to by Fri 28 Feb
Are You Exploring the Role of AI Within Religion and Worldviews Education?
Culham St Gabriel’s is hosting an online symposium to bring together researchers and practitioners who are actively exploring the intersection of AI and religion and worldviews education. The event will be held on Monday 17 March, 2.00 –5.00pm.
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